Thursday 29 January 2015

Jungle sale

It's winter and a Saturday afternoon and everyone is bored. I'm left wondering what to do with three kids, plus and extra one who's here for a sleepover. 

TV, gets boring! There's only so much Peppa Pig and Charlie and Lola that any of us can take. My 8 year old finds movies too scary. A hint of dramatic music or the lowering of lights and she's running out of the room screaming, so that's a no go! I tell them to play with their toys and before we know it there are arguments over who had what first, and an annoying little brother who is trying to take over. So we come up with the idea of having a jumble sale (or jungle sale as the kids were calling it) on the drive. It gets them from under my feet, they get fresh air and learn some entrepreneurial skills.

So they go around the house looking for toys to sell. We get some cookies on a plate. Make up some marshmallow snowmen and out they go. They decide on a charity to donate the money to and everyone is happy. So not to take over, I leave them to it (well hovering at the door to keep an eye on them) and they love it. They get independence, have a sense of responsibly and do something for a worthy cause. 

So if your little one is bored and frustrated this weekend give it a go! It's fun for all :) xxx

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